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TheCPGroup.org 2008 Conference

[Videos] [Roundtable Discussions] [Agenda and Presenters]


Here are several videos from the conference. Click on the Videos listed in the playlist below to watch each video.

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The CP Group, a national organization of adults with cerebral palsy will held their 5th annual conference on October 17th – 20th 2008 at the DoubleTree Hotel in Arlington, Virginia, just outside Washington, DC.

The primary purpose of the conference was to address CP-related problems and to develop approaches for dealing with those problems. But the meeting was also a social gathering and an opportunity to network.

The DoubleTree Hotel in Crystal City, Virginia featured restaurants, bars and lounges where members could relax with others. The opening session of the conference began at 9:00 AM on Friday, October 17th.  The roundtable discussions on Friday, Saturday and half day on Monday were scheduled to allow time to socialize and get to know other participants.

Roundtable Discussions

There are many topics to be discussed at the conference, and the following list is not inclusive. If there are topics not included in this list that you would like to be discussed at the conference, you can indicate your choice on the registration form.

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Schedule and Presenters

Conference Agenda (opens as a PDF file)

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Last Updated: 03/31/2009